Yoga Christmas FUN with your little (or not so little) one(s)

Looking for some ways to have fun with your kids over the festive season? Here are some of my favourite Christmas yoga games and activities.

  1. Decorating the Christmas Tree - Someone stands in tree pose whilst everyone else hangs decorations on them (tinsel, ribbon, baubles, sparkles, whatever you have!). How many decorations can you hang on them before they collapse?

  2. Sleigh Races - Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front. Race across the room withou using your hands, just wiggle your bum! You can add (pretend) obstacles if you like, such as hills to cimb up (lie down and sit up again) or corners to get around (lean side to side).

  3. Snowy Animal Rescue - Find some soft toys and put them on one side of the room. Children have to cross the room, pick up an animal, balance the animal on their heads and then make their way safely back. For older children you could add in some obstacles such as things to climb over or around, or a ‘tightrope’ scarf to walk along.

  4. Yoga Freeze – Dance around when the music plays, when the music stops freeze in your favourite snowflake yoga pose (try star, triangle, seated star or make up your own) then melt when the music starts again.

  5. Snowball races - find some cotton wool balls or pom poms or tissue paper rolled up. Lie on your belly and blow the ‘snowballs’, who can get theirs across the room first? Alternatively lie facing each other and pass the snowballs between you (using your breath), how many passes can you manage?

What other festive yoga games do you enjoy? I’d love to hear how you share yoga with your family at home.


Lime and Ginger Energy Balls


Lion Pose - Release Tension and Find Your Roar!