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Ashtanga Day - with guest teacher Emma Isokivi

Location: St Leonard’s Church Hall, Donaldson Gardens, St Andrews

Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm

£105 all inclusive

We will be offering 2 x 50% scholarship places for this training that will be available on application. Please email Sarah ( or Emma ( to enquire explaining why you would like to attend this day and how the scholarship place would benefit you.

Would you like a full day to dedicate to your yoga practice? Moving and breathing together in community?

This is a special opportunity to practice under the guidance of my teacher Emma Isokivi, who joins us for a day to delve into the Ashtanga primary series and explore the magic contained within.

Ashtanga is a traditional system of yoga that brings balance to body and mind through movement and breath. It is a wonderful way to increase your flexibility and fitness whilst helping to destress and find focus.

Emma Isokivi is an Ashtanga Yoga teacher based in Edinburgh, Scotland
Mysore Teacher @ Meadowlark Yoga
KPJAYI/SYC Level 2 (full intermediate series) authorised in 2017 from Paramaguru Sharath Jois, Mysore.

Emma began practicing yoga regularly in 2006 with various explorations through styles/ other cross training.

She took her first trip to India in 2009 and a month's study in a Sivananda Ashram in Madurai, transformed her relationship with a yoga practice beyond just the physical.

In 2011, Emma began a daily Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice under the tutelage of Karen Kirkness and Sarah Durney Hatcher.

Emma also now credits Sharath Jois to be her teacher and regularly travels to Mysore, Southern India- the birthplace of Ashtanga Yoga to practice at the Sharath Jois Yoga Centre. In 2017, she received his blessing to teach Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

Emma directs Meadowlark Yoga’s extensive Mysore program, teaching the early morning program of both new and advanced practitioners (everyone is welcome!) and supporting a team of 8+ Mysore teachers and assistants. Community is at the heart of the program.

You’ll find her teaching is adaptive, creative, fun and explores beyond the physicality of āsana too- with breathwork, chanting and philosophy intertwined.

Aside from the yoga mat, you’ll find Emma at home nurturing her newly extended family of young children (1 and 6), cycling around the city or rock climbing.

This day will give you a chance to explore some of the key elements of the Ashtanga primary series. Exploring how the postures combine with breath and drishti (the gaze points) to create a moving meditation and bring wellness to the whole body. This is a powerful and transformative practice, exploring flexion, extension and rotation of the spine as well as working with strength and stamina.

The day will be filled with discussion of the practice, how we can make it fit in with our lives, and how we can embody the philosophy of yoga both on and off our mats.

Saturday June 22nd 2024, St Leonard's Church Hall

09:00-11:00 Primary series led class and breath-work

11:00 - 12:30 Brunch, time to pause

12:30 - 14:30 “Beyond Navasana” : Exploring the second half of primary series workshop

14:45 - 15:45 “Why yogis don’t squash flies…” An introducing to Yoga Philosophy and how we can grow our practice beyond the physical.

The cost of this full day (including a nutrtious vegan or vegetarian lunch, tea and treats) is £105

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